
Researchers sequence 427 genomes of the new coronavirus in Brazil and find 3 main strains

@lvm.ufrj participated in a recent study developed through a large collaboration between the University of Oxford and several Brazilian public universities. In this work, 427 genomes of SARS-CoV-2 circulating in different regions of Brazil were sequenced and analyzed.

The study identified 3 main circulating strains and the occurrence of more than 100 international introductions of the virus here, with no evidence of community transmission being observed before the first case report in Brazil.

The work also highlighted the strong contribution of the continued connection between large urban centers for the spread of the virus in the country, in addition to corroborating that the social isolation measures adopted actually had a negative impact on the chain of transmission of the virus.

However, the data suggest that the isolation policy should remain and still need additional measures to ensure the maintenance of a low transmissibility rate.

The article is still in the process of being published in a scientific journal but it is now possible to access its full content through the preprint available at:


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